This is a post dedicated to the words that speak so truly. These words are from the current book I am reading, Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Dan is an atheist yet his words and his knowledge is beyond those who are so called followers of a religion today. These words are associated with Christianity and humanity on the whole, so take them lightly and think about them. Read them totally, believe me when I say they are worth it. These words are taken from the chapter number 94. Here we go.... "To those of science, let me say this." He paused. "You have won the war." The silence spread now to the deepest corners of the chapel. Mortati could hear the desperate thumping of his own heart. "The wheels have been in motion for a long time," the camerlegno said. "Your victory has been inevitable. Never before has it been as obvious as it is at this moment. Science is the new God." What is he saying! Mortati thought. Has he gone mad? The entire world...
A beautiful journey.